Turn on Your Sexual Energy

Turn on Your Life

 A self mastery series for women who are ready to ignite their sexual energy, bodily wisdom and creative power and take their life and relationships to the next level of fulfillment and abundance. Sign up anytime for the virtual course. Next in-person series begins April 2025 in Santa Barbara, California.  

Self Study Online Course

for Women
Now open year round

8 comprehensive sessions with over 80 mind-body-spirit-connected practices for awakening your sensuality, creativity, feminine wisdom and power. Each session comes with inspirational and instructional reading material, accompanied by guided audio and video meditations.
This option is perfect for women who are self-disciplined and prefer to work at their own pace and convenience.

In-person 4 weekend series in Santa Barbara, California

Saturdays & Sundays 10 am – 5 pm begins April 2025. 

These highly experiential immersions are group co-created. The practices and teachings come from somatic, Tantric, shamanic and Wiccan traditions. We will explore everything from our feminine bodies, to our unique herstories, gifts and shadows, to all the wild and wise archetypes that live within us. Through guided practice, direct transmission and experience, dance, group sharing, and ritual, we’ll invoke the multi-dimensional Goddess in each one of us and re-balance the divine feminine and masculine within us and in the world.

Weekend themes  and dates 
Awaken your body wisdom and pleasure – April 19-20
Awaken your authentic, creative expression – May 17-1 
Awaken your divine masculine – June 28-29
Awaken your priestess and feminine power – July 26-27

We will meet for 4 weekends, one weekend a month, in various natural sanctuaries and/or Goddess temples. Locations and other details are given upon registration. In between our in-person gatherings, we will have monthly online calls to share our unfolding experiences.

Cost for 4 weekend series, including 4 group calls:
Pay upfront in full: $1200 (save $200)
Or pay in 4 monthly installments of $350/wkd

Do you ever think, “Is this all there is? There’s got to be more – more to sex, more to life, more to me?”

Do you feel sexually depressed? Cut off from your desire and pleasure? Unmet in your romantic relationships? Stuck in old wounds from the past? Do you long to feel more alive in your body? More creatively on fire in your life? Do you long to feel a deeper connection to your divine feminine passion, purpose and power?

Reclaim Your Body

Are you wanting to feel more at home in your body? Do you want to heal body shame and tap into your body’s infinite resource, intelligence and guidance? Do you want to feel more connected to your sensuality, pleasure and primal will? And live more from your natural instincts, in relaxation, ease and flow?

Reclaim Your Desire

Do you tend to be the giver in your relationships? Do you have a hard time asking for what you want? Do you sometimes not even know what you want? Do you lose yourself in loving others? Do you long to hear your inner voice and live more from your authentic expression?

Reclaim your Divinity

Do you long for a more down-to-earth, feminine-based spirituality, that’s made of women inspiring and supporting one another? Do you long for practices that connect you with your divine feminine knowing and power, that anchor you in self love, trust and worth and help you to live more from a place of inner and outer abundance and connectedness?

Reclaim Your Creativity

Have you been feeling stuck and uninspired? Do you want to feel more connected to your creative spirit? Do you long to hear the voice of your imagination? Do you long to tap into the wisdom of your dreams and become more fluent in symbolic language? Do you long to experience more of life’s magic, mystery and beauty?

Two Options to Awaken Your Feminine Fire

In-person 4 weekend 2025 series in Santa Barbara, CA - Saturdays & Sundays 10 am – 5 pm begins in April

These highly experiential immersions are group co-created. The practices and teachings come from somatic, Tantric, shamanic and Wiccan traditions. We will explore everything from our feminine bodies, to our unique herstories, gifts and shadows, to all the wild and wise archetypes that live within us. Through guided practice, direct transmission and experience, dance, group sharing, and ritual, we’ll invoke the multi-dimensional Goddess in each one of us and re-balance the divine feminine and masculine within us and in the world.

Weekend themes & dates:
Awaken your body wisdom and pleasure – April 19-20
Awaken your authentic creative expression – May 17-18
Awaken your divine masculine – June 28-29
Awaken your priestess and feminine power – July 26-27

We will meet for 4 weekends, one weekend a month, in various natural sanctuaries and/or Goddess temples. Locations and other details are given upon registration. In between our in-person gatherings, we will have monthly online calls to share our unfolding experiences.

Cost for 4 weekend series, including 4 group calls:
Pay upfront in full: $1200 (save $200)
Pay in 4 monthly installments : $350/wkd

Self Study Online Course Open enrollment - sign up anytime!

8 comprehensive workbooks with over 80 mind-body-spirit-connected practices that you can do on your own time, at your own pace, because you’ll have access to the course material for 1 year after you sign up.

Workbooks include: Inspirational poems and inquiry questions based on each of the session themes, with instructional reading material and over 40 guided audio meditations, accompanied by video demonstrations.

Session themes:
Awaken your Feminine Essence
Awaken your Primal Feminine
Awaken your Pleasure Body
Awaken your Feminine Super Powers
Awaken your Tantrika
Awaken your Dark Feminine
Awaken your Divine Masculine
Awaken your Imaginal Intelligence and Creativity

Cost: 8 Workbooks / 80 practices for $200


Grounding practices • Expanding sensory awareness • Body intelligence • Self desire • Healing pain • Heart wisdom • Chakra charging and cleansing • Cellular clearing • Ovarian breathing • Womb work • Jade egg practices


Sensual intelligence and presence • Sexual shadow work • Dancing the serpent • Yoni massage • Archetypal sex • Tantra breath circuits • Kundalini activation • Dirty talk • Art of seduction • Sex magic


Clearing projections • Clearing love addictions • Claiming your No • Healing the victim • Healthy boundaries • Befriending resistance • Forgiveness rituals • Dark feminine teachers • Embracing the disowned masculine


Your Inner Grandmother Council • Altars and ritual • Goddess archetypes for Creativity • Finding your familiars • Elemental invocation • Moon practices • Priestess meditations, mudras and mantras • Feminestation • Language of light • Channeling and oracling • Receptivity and radiance

Your wounds are the shadows of your wisdom and the way to…


You’re not alone in the challenges you face as a woman in this world. You’re not alone in the shame, fear and anger you’ve carried. The sisterhood we create in this course will support and inspire your movement towards freedom and the transformation of pain into fiery presence, purpose and power.

I’m Lisa Citore, and I will be your Instructor

Tantra Teacher | Mother | Pleasure Activist | Creative Muse | Cancer Survivor | Poet | Playwright | Sexual Assault Survivor | Priestess | Lomi-Lomi Massage | Ritualist

Allow my personal transformation to guide yours…

Sexual Assault & Cancer Survivor

I know what it’s like to be a survivor – to be sexually violated as a girl and again as a young woman and what it’s like to carry sexual shame and find my way from victimhood to freedom. I know what it’s like to be diagnosed with cervical cancer and have to face all my fears and find my own inner healer.

Priestess Poet & Playwright

I know what it’s like to have a sexual, creative renaissance in my forties and again in my fifties and fall in love with myself and my life and meet my soul mate and live out loud – writing and directing theater productions and making music videos and starting my own woman’s sexual mystery school.

From Hiding to Living Outloud

I know what it’s like to hide, shrink, settle and fake it – and the aloneness, sadness and anger that builds inside and turns into depression because of it. I know what it’s like to go through the dark night of the soul and the courage and creative power that comes from it. I know what it’s like to be happy deep down and all the way through – to feel at home in myself and in my body and feel my divine purpose and place in the world.

If such transformation is possible for me,
it is possible for you and every woman.

“My relationship to my own pleasure, to trust and surrender has grown immensely and with this, the way I communicate and experience intimacy with my partner. I feel this work is of great importance for women and for the world and that deepening our relationship with our feminine sexuality is connected to everything from our capacity to love and create to living abundantly.”


Feminine Leadership Coach

Fierce Feminine Shadow Work

In this self mastery course for women, you will learn Shakti activation practices from Tantric, shamanic, Wiccan and somatic traditions to clear patriarchal conditioning, shift codependent patterns in relationship, break projections between the masculine and feminine, end scarcity and victim consciousness, release trauma from your mind, heart, and body and reignite your passion, creative power and divine feminine purpose.

You hold a sacred fire within you

But somewhere along the way, your fire was dimmed. Maybe it was when you were a child. Maybe it was when you opened your heart in relationship and were betrayed, which left you feeling confused and not trusting yourself. Maybe you experienced sexual violation…

This fire is the primal will for your divine expression

So many times women dismiss ourselves. We dismiss our desires. We dismiss our creative ideas. We dismiss our intuitive hits. We dismiss our truths. Society tells us that pleasure is bad, that sex is dirty, that confidence is not feminine, that silence is respectful, and that sacrifice, especially for women, is expected.

It’s time for a change

It’s time for radical self love, solid self trust, queen size self worth and all the happiness, success and abundance that goes with it. It’s time to Awaken Your Feminine Fire!

“All my boxes have been shattered and I can’t wait to see where life leads me now. My marriage is a completely new journey and my relational world will never be the same. I have fallen in love with myself and with the feminine. This work has been so impactful, I’m sharing it with women (and men) in my coaching practice, which by the way, has gone from luke warm to thriving. Yep, it’s true. When I turned on my sexual energy and pleasure body, I turned on my life.”

Lisa McClenhans, Personal Transformation Coach

Awaken Your Fire

Unlock the ancient feminine wisdom held within your body. Liberate your primal feminine nature and inner shamaness. Heal sexual wounds and awaken your natural pleasure and desire. Expand your sensitivity, receptivity and capacity to trust, surrender and open to love. Clear past conditioning, co-dependent patterns, projections between the masculine and feminine, victim consciousness and relational trauma. Expand your sexual repertoire and Tantric knowledge for wielding sexual energy to transmute negativity and raise frequency. Turn on your imagination, higher senses and creative power!

“I’ve been a lifelong ‘thinker’ and wasn’t sure if a ‘women’s mystery school’ was for me. I’m so glad I took the leap! Through this work, I’ve deeply connected with the wisdom in my body, desire and pleasure. I’ve learned more about myself and how I show up in relationship in 4 weekends than I have in all my years in therapy. I appreciated all of the embodied exercises and was surprised by how much came up for me in them. I healed old wounds and tapped into creativity I had no idea was in me. I feel more alive, more aligned and more excited about life and being me in it because of this course.”

Julie, Attorney at Law

“The material in this course has been life changing for me on many levels. Lisa has a unique way of framing concepts and forming exercises that both resonate and illuminate. I was particularly mind-blown by her practice that helped me to reclaim my disowned masculine and her creative approach to having boundaries that begins with making a shield of our desires.” – Nithyaa Venkataramani

Please, Reach Out!

If you feel uncertain about doing this kind of work in a group space and what may come up for you, feel free to reach out. Together, we will determine if it’s the right time and fit for you or if private work might be best. 


Questions? I've got answers...

Enroll in the Next Online Course

Join the waitlist and be part of a premier group of women who get exclusive access for the Fall 2019 launch date. By enrolling now, you will receive a special invitation for additional offers and discount code to Awaken Your Feminine Fire.

Thank you for joining the waitlist for Awaken Your Feminine Fire. Check your inbox for details.

Get Your Free Tantra Self Massage and Breath Practice eBook & Audio Meditation

Sign up for my newsletter and get a simple 10 minute pleasure practice, including a guided audio meditation, as well as monthly inspiration for turning on your sexual energy and turning on your life

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