Awaken Your Feminine Fire

at Private Temples in CA, CO & NY | Online Course coming Fall 2018

Here’s What Past Students Have to Say About Their Experience:

perfect balance of deep sisterhood and edgy, push your boundaries practices embedded with powerful, soulful wisdom
Elizabeth Williamson

Author & Founder, Principle-Based Partner Yoga™

Lisa’s integrity is impeccable… the workshop was a tasteful and sacred space that was held in perfect safety.
Amy Carson

MFT Therapist

Lisa is truly a shaman of the sacred Feminine.  So deep is the wake up, it has affected all areas of my life.
Debby Young (continued)

Council Woman, GrandmotherSpeak

Lisa’s work is based on her authentic passion for the healing of sexual wounds in women on behalf of blessing the whole planet … much more than sex – it’s about being fully alive – the very essence and spiritual quality of being a woman.
Debby Young (continued)

Council Woman, GrandmotherSpeak

I see Lisa as a Grandmother doing the evolutionary work that will save our planet … I am talking about Lisa’s work with all the women I know. I see her mystery school as awakening the Feminine heart, voice and wisdom from the ground up.
Debby Young (continued)

Council Woman, GrandmotherSpeak

Her work is subtle, but powerful, opening a new willingness within me … a surprise re-write of my story that sex is only a sometimes activity, to one where it’s wanted anytime and all the time because I want it.
Kathy Cole, Product Manager

You will be transformed just by her presence and open secret doors within you through her compassionate guidance.
Lamara Heartwell

Coach & Teacher, Body Intelligence

Lisa opened me up to exploring new depths of sexual connection with my partner and myself. My sessions with her have liberated sexual energy coiled up inside of me that I didn’t even know existed … Lisa was able to bring each one of us to the core of our truths around sex, desire, emotion, trauma, contraction and expanded pleasure … sign up for the course of a lifetime with this truly gifted priestess.
Safia Ohlson

Intuitive Readings & Coaching

She masterfully holds the balance of creating safety and pushing boundaries so each woman can meet her shadow aspects and move through them to the other side of strength and power.Lisa’s grounded presence, bandwidth of permission and sensitivity to each woman’s process and timing holds the kind of alchemical container for real transformation to take place. She is bringing sexual energy and meditation together, and awakening the Goddess one woman at a time.
Moriah Day

Yoga Instructor & Massage Therapist

I got to release old wounds around being used (in a sexual sense) so I could live my greater longing to be used more fully– to be made love to by life.I felt beautiful and sacred from head to toe and from the inside out.  I felt desirable, valuable and surrendered to life in a simple, yet crystal clear as I’ve never felt before.
Fayenen Lathrenwen

Mother, Healer, Coach

I don’t understand how ritual works, but it does, especially when your guide is a masterful facilitator like Lisa.  She could see me shifting before I even knew what was happening.   Never in my life would I have thought I could do this. It was so liberating, empowering!  It was pure God.
Rachel Petkus


One thing I really appreciate about Lisa as a teacher is her sense of humor and her ability to mix in laughter with the darkest shadow work.  Yes, there is sisterhood-safety, depth and tenderness in her Awaken Your Feminine Fire, but it is so healing to go into my most sensitive wounds and be in tears one moment and fits of laughter the next.  I have so much more capacity now to trust and let go of control in love. I’m able to experience so much more pleasure, not just in sex, but in life.

Dana Some


Her ability to create experiences that help women to embody and have their own personal discovery of their deeper sexuality is what makes her Awaken Your Feminine Fire so phenomenal.

Anne Marie Charest, PhD

Psychologist / Educator

I was deeply nourished, set on fire and held in Lisa’s Awaken Your Feminine Fire series. These sister circles created a cauldron for much growth, connection and a depth of mutual support among women that was truly unique and powerful.  I’m  particularly inspired by Lisa’s as a facilitator. She is fiercely loving and coyote creative. 

Danielle Sharon


Lisa as a teacher is nothing short of awesome!  She has done so much to help me reclaim ALL parts of my sexual self.  I am more confident, playful and free in sex than ever before, and I feel more pleasure in my body on a regular basis. My whole feminine being has come alive.

Anne B.

Graduate Student

I have been deeply nourished, fired up and held by the Awakening Your Feminine Fire this year. I loved gathering over the course of many months; these regular meetings created a cauldron for much growth, connection and mutual support among the women. I have been particularly inspired by Lisa’s as a facilitator – she is a fiercely loving and creative teacher of healing sexual arts.

Danielle Sharon

This group has been truly transformational for me.  Lisa and Nadine held a safe, encouraging, and deeply sacred space!  Growing up Catholic with lots of guilt around sexuality, I realized I still had layers of numbness in my womb and vagina from the chastity belt.  But the patriarchal era is indeed coming to an end — whether it always looks that way or not in our world, and the feminine is rising.  Sacred spiritual sexuality and conscious equal partnership is the next frontier and long-term relationships don’t stand a chance of being healthy without it. They never did. In this school, I learned that the feminine — softness and sensuality blended with messiness, mystery and abandon, is sorely missing from our world and our sexuality.  I released so many blocks I didn’t know I had, learned through breathing techniques and visualizations, how to slow down and dive deep into pleasure, and also how to let my heart break and then cut even deeper until, as in Lisa Citore’s words, I broke it open to God.  We came to this planet to feel and I not only felt in this group but I pushed past every edge.  It’s edgy.  I pushed up against edges like monogamy, heterosexuality, and more.  But I emerged from the cocoon a free person.  I believe we, as women, have been teaching each other about our bodies, our power as sexual beings, and about sensuality for eons in the red tents. We have been teaching our daughters that touch and nakedness are all normal and necessary.  I can never, ever thank my sisters enough for this journey of love, deep trust and ultimate release.  My boxes have all been shattered and I can’t wait to see where life leads me.  My marriage is a completely new journey and my life will never be the same.  I have fallen in love with myself and with the feminine.  I am overflowing.  Life is, if you decide it is, one big orgasmic experience after another.

Lisa McClenhans

Lisa has been a powerful catalyst for my expansion and claiming of my womanhood. I’ve cultivated a deeper connection to my wholeness and sourced-ness through this work and a renewed relationship with my yoni. I’m amazed by the endless wisdom we hold in our pelvic temple and what has been unlocked for me through this work. Learning something intellectually is one thing, but learning through visceral experience is life changing. Thank you Lisa for holding such a loving, beautiful space for so much transformation!


Lisa’ s unique feminine wisdom creates a safe space to drop into layers beneath the surface and tap into subconscious treasures never before realized.  A modern shamaness, she is both nurturing and fierce in her devotion to helping each woman gently open to her deeper feminine knowing, embodiment and expression.  I am forever grateful for her teachings and will be carrying this sacred work into my personal spiritual practice, relationships and offerings.

Founder of the Goddess Connection

The Women’s Sexual Mystery School has been so much more than I ever imagined. Each weekend I’ve moved through layers of limiting beliefs and discovered aspects of Self, power and purpose that I can’t wait to share with a lover and the world. Lisa creates an incredibly safe container for women to explore our sexuality and so much more. She has a magical way of mixing playfulness with profound teachings and all within a bonded circle of sisterhood that feels so natural, supportive and ancient. I wish this sacred experience for all women.
Nona Perram</p> <p>

Lisa has been a powerful model for me of Woman who neither absorbs nor pushes away undesirable energy.  She teaches with a beautiful balance of tenderness, compassionate honesty and fierceness.  She has helped me to see and untangle from toxic patterns with my father and the masculine so I could claim my sovereignty, freedom and power in all areas of my life.

I would follow this wise woman anywhere.  Lisa has an incredible way of balancing fearlessness and strength with softness and heart. Through her vulnerable sharing and grounded skills as a facilitator, Lisa creates a safe space for women to express, release, grow and heal together.  In the Awaken Feminine Fire series, I experienced tremendous breakthroughs spiritually, sexually, creatively and emotionally.  I felt seen, held, witnessed and loved by sisters like never before.  I feel more aligned with my truth and empowered to access my highest self.  I’ve made lifelong sister connections and am thrilled to share this sacred women’s work with my clients and the world.  A deep bow to you Lisa. 

Lucia Grace

Yoga Therapist

As an empath, I experienced how Lisa’s magic, mysterious and patient wisdom brings transformation not just to me and those in her physical presence, but to the collective consciousness.   Every weekend “workshop” was a ritual for awakening and empowering the feminine aspect in all beings.  New life is birthed underground and from within.  I trust this more because of Lisa.

Lisa’s Awaken Your Feminine Fire series has provided me a context for remembering feminine ritual and the magik that comes from pleasure, play and deep presencing.  Through this work, I’ve redefined my approach to connection, intimacy and how I am in relationship. I will never again leave myself in sex and love.  Lisa’s style of teaching by giving us experiences has allowed me to fully feel my unique feminine power as well as release unconscious anti-feminine beliefs I’ve held unaware in my body and being. It has been such a powerful, humbling, heart breaking open journey – all within the beauty and safety of sisterhood.  I have new reverence and awe for the woman I am, for Her ways and for all of the women in my life.


Lisa has abundant knowledge of energy systems, archetypes, sexuality and masculine and feminine dynamics.  She offers her wisdom through playful, powerful and experiential teachings – some of which have come through a side door and have taken me by surprise.  I’ve learned to appreciate the depth and lasting power of subtlety through Lisa’s gentle approach. She is definitely a master of creating a safe space for women to explore their edges. 

Head Designer

Lisa’s work has supported me vastly in the integration of my sexual energy in my body and life.  I’ve discovered the subconscious roots of many negative patterns and have made big shifts because of this.  My relationship to my pleasure, to trust and surrender has grown immensely and the way I communicate and experience intimacy with my partner has transformed with this inner expansion.  I feel this work is of great importance for women and for the world and that deepening our relationship with our feminine sexuality is connected to everything from our capacity to love and create and live abundantly.
Maya J Ayala

Feminine Leadership Coach

Lisa brings the priestess temples of the past into modern reality. She leads every woman to her own unique magic.  She creates a deeply nourishing space of beauty and safety for women to explore and share vulnerably with one another. I’m so grateful for the powerful sisterhood that’s now a part of my life because of our journey together.

My heart is filled with so much gratitude for Lisa and her work!  I’ve been a lifelong thinker and was a bit anxious about not knowing if Awaken Your Feminine Fire would be for me.  I’m so glad I took the leap!  In the process, I’ve discovered the wisdom and sacredness of my body, desire and pleasure and learned more about myself and how I am with men and in relationship than I have words for.  I especially appreciated all of the embodied exercises we did and was blown away by how much came up for me in them.  I healed old wounds and tapped into creativity I had no idea was in me. I feel more alive, more aligned and more excited about life and being me in it.


Attorney at Law

Lisa is a powerhouse of a woman, teacher, healer and artist extraordinaire! Her capacity to hold space with a potent depth while creating an environment of interactive play has a  way of transforming trauma, catalyzing change and opening new doors of understanding simultaneously. Sitting in her presence and witnessing her vast compassion and devotion to feminine awakening was a gift in itself.  She is hugely connected, sourced and has infinite wisdom to offer partly through her studies which range from shamanism to Tantra to Goddess work, but mostly through her own hard won experience and how bravely she has traversed her own sexual trauma. It is this personal integration that allows her to hold big, safe space regardless of the severity of a woman’s emotional process and trauma.  This is a woman who truly walks her talk. 
Jozie Penn

Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine

I did the Awaken Your Feminine Fire while I was pregnant with my fourth child.  Not only were my sexual and creative fires stoked, but I found Lisa’s teachings helpful in my mothering as well. I’m grateful to have so many new self awareness and relational tools to use in all aspects of my life. 


Mother, Wellness Coach

Lisa is an incredibly gifted shamaness who guides women to our truth and our own authority.  She reconnects women with our pleasure well spring, our ecstatic aliveness and the wisdom in our bodies. Through rituals and Goddess practices, she helps women hone their deep magik and become masters of energy – in all its different currents – from sexual energy to money to love to creative expression to intuitive knowing – so we can more easefully and joyfully manifest, or as Lisa says “feminest,” our soul work in the world. Through this work, I’ve been broken open to new profound levels of intimacy and sensual/ spiritual connection with myself and others. Lisa’s blazing wisdom, insight and deep commitment to empowering the feminine is visionary and ushering in a new paradigm for us to heal ourselves, each other and the planet.

Awaken Your Feminine Fire

4 Weekend Immersions into the Sacred Feminine (once every 6 weeks)

Monthly Group Call

Access to Private Online Forum

Private Coaching Session

Santa Barbara

Oct 20-21| Dec 2-3 | Jan 13-14 | Mar 3-4 | All Weekend Workshops take place on Saturday and Sunday from 10:30am – 5:30pm

Boulder, Colorado

Oct 14-15 | Dec 9-10 | Jan 20-21 | Mar 10-11 | All Weekend Workshops take place on Saturday and Sunday from 10:30am – 5:30pm

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