In-Person California Series

How might your life as a woman be different if you had been initiated into your feminine sexuality not by someone who probably knew less than you, but through a ceremony of women?   Women who knew the creational mysteries, who could teach you how to activate your feminine power, who not only gave you permission but instruction on how to bring yourself to pleasure.  How might your life as a woman be different if you had cultivated your own relationship with Shakti, your sexual energy, first before sharing her with others?  If you had learned the language of your body and how to listen to your yoni’s voice and feel her yeses and nos. How might your life be different if you grew up valuing and trusting your feminine sexual being and body, rather than feeling ashamed, afraid or mistrusting of her? If you lived from and in the flow with your deep feminine wisdom – recognizing your sexual organs as your inner elder council that you could turn to for support and guidance.  How might your life as a woman be different?…..


2 Locations. 2 Series.

Santa Barbara – 2022

4 weekend in-person series
Saturdays & Sundays 10 am – 5 pm
Sept 24-25, Oct 22-23, Nov 19-20 and Dec 17-18


San Francisco – 2022

No in-person courses are currently scheduled for 2022


Personal Initiation

It’s life-changing to do yoni and womb practices in a circle of women, to do our deepest shadow work in the safe, supportive presence of other sisters on the same journey, to come together to heal comparison and competition as each of us finds our own beauty, truths, self trust and worth. In between our 4 transformational weekends together (which are spread out 5-6 weeks apart) we’ll have 4 optional group calls and a private online forum to communicate with one another.  Each participant also receives a one on one shadow work session with Lisa.

4 Weekends. 4 Modules.

Reclaim Your Primal Feminine Power, Heal Your Pain Body & Supercharge Your Pleasure Body

Reclaim your wildness, your animal self and your relationship with nature. Reclaim your sexual energy, desire and pleasure as valuable resources for creating the life you want. Gain a deeper understanding of your feminine sexual anatomy and circuitry. Learn yoni, ovary and womb practices for clearing and recharging your energy and optimizing your health and well being. Gain awareness of your sexual shadows that limit the flow of energy – of freedom, aliveness and abundance – in your body and in your life. Release fear and shame around your female body and being and awaken your primal intelligence and inner guidance system. Take back responsibility for your own pleasure and become sexually confident and empowered.  

Expand Your Emotional erotic Intelligence and liberate your Creative Expression

Expand your capacity to trust, surrender, receive pleasure and direct your desire for your highest good. Learn how to bring more authenticity and vulnerability into your sexual experience. Learn how to turn emotional and physical pain and resistance into vital energy and personal power. Learn the languages of arousal to expand your erotic intelligence and experience and strengthen your powers of attraction. Liberate your sexual shadow to bring more playfulness, spontaneity and creativity into love making and life. Learn how to invoke and embody different archetypes of the Goddess, so that you can live your full feminine range and have more choices for connecting with others and  impacting the world through your expression.

Create a Loving, Liberated Relationship with Masculine, Inside and Out, For Right Partnership

Remap your relational history with the masculine. Release old fear, rage, grief and unforgiveness from the past. Unhook from unconscious feminine personas and patterns that keep you stuck in old patriarchal conditioning. Learn how to integrate and wield the power of the dark masculine. Take back your personal projections and receive all the gifts of the divine masculine. Shift patterns of manipulation, control and guilt into fearless loving. Learn how to cultivate healthy polarity within your relationship and yourself. Reestablish mutual respect and clear communication between your body and head. Learn how to channel your sexual energy into creative inspiration, expression and manifestation.

Learn Tantric Mysteries to Cultivate Inner Radiance and Magnetism and Live in Unconditional Pleasure

Explore Tantric practices for expanding intimate presence and ecstatic experience – aligning your desire with your power with your voice, vision and wisdom.  Learn how to read and direct energy for transmuting negativity and raising frequency. Learn the art of ritual and resonance and how to build and sustain higher frequency fields. Awaken the inner senses and imaginal intelligence for heightened sensitivity, clarity and creativity. Play with intuition and improvisation for more efficient and fun manifestation. Explore the non-verbal languages of light, symbols and nature to connect more deeply and better communicate with all of existence. Learn radiance practices for shining your soul beauty and awakening the beauty in others. 

What makes this course different
from other Tantra and Taoist schools?

Awaken Your Feminine Fire is specifically designed for women and the awakening of feminine sexuality. In my years of Tantric study, I’ve found that most of what has been written and is being taught comes from masculine traditions. The practices are designed for male bodies and male brains to help men become more vital and conscious.

Women’s bodies and how we experience sexual energy is different from men. Through experimenting with many different Tantric practices and refining them to make more sense in my female body, I’m excited to share a new, more feminine based school of sacred sexuality. Or more accurately, an ancient one, as the teachings come from a matriarchal lineage that all women, hold within our bodies.

The Power of Sisterhood

Awaken Your Feminine Fire is spread out over the course of four months to allow time in between sessions to practice and integrate the teachings. To receive the maximum benefits of this sacred women’s work, it is requested that participants commit to the full four weekend series.

Commitment is what cultivates the depth of intimacy and potency necessary for individual and collective transformation. Every time we circle, it is a ritual for our planet. We are not just birthing our own divine feminine being, we are birthing Her in the collective consciousness.

Fierce Feminine Shadow Work

Fierce Feminine Shadow Work

Learn body-centered practices to clear patriarchal conditioning, end scarcity and victim consciousness and release trauma from your mind, heart, and body, turning pain into new passion, purpose, power and divine feminine presence. 

Sexual Healing and Awakening

Sexual Healing and Awakening

Learn how to activate and circulate your sexual energy for greater vitality, positivity, balance and abundance. Liberate your erotic intelligence to expand your sexual expression and experience and harness your powers of attraction in life. 


Personal Empowerment

Personal Empowerment

Get a tool box of Shakti activation practices from Tantric, shamanic, somatic and Wiccan traditions to ignite and align your life force with your desire, your inner source, authority, voice and vision, so you can live in your fullest expression.

“Lisa is truly a gifted priestess. She creates the kind of safe and supportive container that brings each one of us to the core of our truths around sex, desire, emotion, trauma, contraction and expanded pleasure. I was opened up to new depths of sexual intimacy with my partner and with myself and I’m feeling more creatively on fire than ever before.”

S.H., Freelance Writer

Product Manager

Space is Limited. Enroll Today.

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