Harness Your Most Powerful Passionate Self in 2017!
The Women’s Sexual Mystery 4 Weekend Series begins on this Spring
in Santa Barbara, San Francisco, and Boulder, CO.
Turn on Your Sexuality.
Turn on Your Life.
Lisa Citore’s video, The Awakening of Feminine Sexuality, is an hour-long examination of the current and past paradigms of feminine sexuality and where those practices have been repressed and where they have awakening creative life force.
Reclaim Your Primal Feminine Nature and Power, Take back Your Divine Desire and Direction, Heal Your Pain Body and Supercharge Your Pleasure Body.
Expand Your Sexual Repertoire, Your Emotional and Bodily Intelligence, Your Creative Expression and Your Fearless Feminine Force in the World.
Create a more Loving, Liberated Relationship with the Masculine, Inside and Out, for Right Manifestation as well as Right Partnership.
Access the Tantric Mysteries of the Temple Priestesses to Cultivate Inner Radiance and Magnetism, Shine Beauty and Live in Unconditional Pleasure.
Lisa Citore
Pleasure Activist
is a pleasure activist, performance artist, and a teacher of sacred sexuality. She has led Tantra workshops in southern California for over 10 years. She is the writer, director and producer of four theater productions: The Tao of Sex, Bloodlines/Women’s Moon Stories, Riding The Dragon and Keep It Wet. She has studied with top teachers in the field such as Margot Anand, Shakti Malan, Vajra Ma, David Deida, Michaela Boehm and Bodhi Avinasha.
She has extensive knowledge of Goddess practices through the 13 Moon Mystery School. In 2015 she began the Women’s Sexual Mystery School, to liberate feminine sensuality, creativity, wisdom and power.
She is the creator of Sexoscopes – astrology for your sex life. Her provocative rap music video, On Your Knees, hits the internet Feb 14 2016. She is currently working on her first book, The Pleasure Path. She does private intimacy coaching with couples and intuitive body reading massage and pelvic release work with women.

“Your feminine sexual energy is your most powerful untapped resource…
It’s your sacred life force and is always 100% accessible to you, no matter what age you are and whether you’re happily in love or not. This energy has an intelligence all its own and knows your divinity, your gifts and your wounds better than you do. It knows how to access them and how to free them.”

Women's Sexual Mystery School
March – September | Private Goddess Temple
4 Weekends
The Women’s Sexual Mystery School is intentionally spread out over the course of a year to allow time in between sessions to practice and integrate the teachings. To receive the maximum benefits of this sacred women’s work, it is requested that participants commit to the full 4 weekend series (with exception for travel or illness). Payment for each module will be deducted from your credit or debit card every other month.
Commitment as a Ritual for Healing
Commitment is what cultivates the depth of intimacy and potency necessary for individual and collective transformation. Every time we circle, it is a ritual for our planet. We are not just birthing our own divine feminine being, we are birthing Her in the collective consciousness.
Private Forum & Coaching Calls
In addition to in-person circles every other month, there will be a monthly group call. a private online forum, which Lisa will moderate, and each participant will receive one private phone consultation session with Lisa.
Locations & Dates
Each of the 3 groups (in Santa Barbara, San Fransisco, and Boulder) CO will meet for one weekend every 7 weeks at a private Goddess Sanctuary. Specific dates given with registration information for each local group.
Weekend 1:
Reclaim Your Primal Feminine Power, Heal Your Pain Body and Supercharge Your Pleasure Body.
Over the course of this weekend in the safety of women, we will reclaim our co-creative relationship with nature, the elements and our inner shamanesses. We will reframe sexual energy, desire and pleasure in accordance to the ancient practices of the temple priestesses. We will gain a deeper understanding of our feminine sexual anatomy, erogenous zones and subtle pleasure body. We will gain awareness of collective, subconscious patterning that limits our experience of pleasure, joy and abundance. We will specifically release shame around our bodies, sexuality and feminine being. We will learn how to generate and circulate sexual desire and pleasure from the inside out.We will realign our desire with our power with our hearts, expression, vision and higher knowing so that we may become vessels for real sex magik.

Weekend 2:
Expand Your Emotional and Bodily Intelligence, Your Creative Expression and Your Fearless Feminine Force in the World.
Over the course of this weekend in the safety of sisters, we will expand our capacities to trust, surrender, receive and run pleasure through our bodies. We will learn how to bring more authenticity and vulnerability into our sexual experience. We will learn how to turn emotional and physical resistance into deeper pleasure. We will strengthen our inner magnetism and powers of attraction. We will activate our intuitive listening and communication with our bodies. We will mine the vital energy and intelligence within our emotions. We will strengthen our capacities for spontaneity and creativity in love making. We will learn the high art of invoking and embodying different archetypes of the Goddess, so that we can live our full feminine range and have more impact in the world through our expression.
Weekend 3:
Create a more Loving, Liberated Relationship with the Masculine, Inside and Out, For Right Manifestation as well as Right Partnership.
Over the course of this weekend in the safety of women, we will remap our relational history with the masculine. We will release old fear, rage, grief and unforgiveness from our pasts. We will unhook from unconscious feminine personas and patterns that keep us stuck in old patriarchal conditioning. We will learn how to integrate and wield the power of the dark masculine. We will take back our personal projections and receive all the gifts of the divine masculine. We will shift patterns of manipulation, control and guilt into fearless loving. We will learn how to cultivate healthy polarity within our relationships and ourselves. We will expand our capacity to communicate from the body rather than the head. We will learn how to become our own best lovers and turn our sacred, sexual energy into creative inspiration, expression and manifestation.

Weekend 4:
Access the Tantric Mysteries of the Temple Priestesses to Cultivate Inner Radiance and Magnetism, Shine Beauty and Live in Unconditional Pleasure.
Over the course of this weekend in the safety of women, we will explore Tantric and somatic practices for cultivating presence and qi, balancing the physical and subtle body systems, transmuting energies and raising frequency. We will learn the art of resonance and how to create and sustain higher frequency resonant fields. We will learn how to read and direct energy for the greatest benefit of all. We will open the inner eye and begin the shift from objective to essence consciousness. We learn how to merge and make love with the subtle body. We will become aware of the Language of Light and learn how to communicate and co-create with the plant, animal and stone tribes. We will play with various priestess practices for cultivating wonder, gratitude, generosity, beauty, ecstasy and innocence. Together, we will create sex magik rituals for planetary healing.
What makes this sexual mystery school different from other Tantra and Taoist schools?
It is specifically designed for women and the awakening of feminine sexuality. In my years of Tantric study, I’ve found that most of what has been written and is being taught comes from masculine traditions. The practices are designed for male bodies and male brains to help men become more vital and conscious. Women’s bodies and how we experience sexual energy is different from men. Through experimenting with many different Tantric practices and refining them to make more sense in my female body, I’m excited to share a new, more feminine based school of sacred sexuality. Or more accurately, an ancient one, as the teachings come from a matriarchal lineage that all women, hold within our bodies.
~ Lisa Citore

Limited to 20 Women per Location
Sign up today! This 4 weekend series will sell out before March
Immerse Yourself into Sacred Feminine
4 transformative in-person weekends with Lisa Citore and co-facilitators, taking place at Private Goddess Temples in Santa Barbara, CA, San Fransisco, CA and Boulder, CO. These Sacred Feminine immersions are for women interested in their own sexual liberation, as well as therapists who want to deepen their knowledge in women’s sexual healing and individuals wanting to teach this work.
Santa Barbara
April 15-16, June 3-4, July 22-23, Septemeber 16-17
San Francisco
March 18-19, May 6-7, June 17-18, July 29-30
Boulder, CO
April 22-23, June 24-25, August 5-6, September 23-24
Here’s What Past Students Have to Say About Their Experience:
perfect balance of deep sisterhood and edgy, push your boundaries practices embedded with powerful, soulful wisdom
Lisa’s integrity is impeccable… the workshop was a tasteful and sacred space that was held in perfect safety.
Lisa is truly a shaman of the sacred Feminine. So deep is the wake up, it has affected all areas of my life.
Lisa’s work is based on her authentic passion for the healing of sexual wounds in women on behalf of blessing the whole planet … much more than sex – it’s about being fully alive – the very essence and spiritual quality of being a woman.
I see Lisa as a Grandmother doing the evolutionary work that will save our planet … I am talking about Lisa’s work with all the women I know. I see her mystery school as awakening the Feminine heart, voice and wisdom from the ground up.
Her work is subtle, but powerful, opening a new willingness within me … a surprise re-write of my story that sex is only a sometimes activity, to one where it’s wanted anytime and all the time because I want it.
You will be transformed just by her presence and open secret doors within you through her compassionate guidance.
Lisa opened me up to exploring new depths of sexual connection with my partner and myself. My sessions with her have liberated sexual energy coiled up inside of me that I didn’t even know existed … Lisa was able to bring each one of us to the core of our truths around sex, desire, emotion, trauma, contraction and expanded pleasure … sign up for the course of a lifetime with this truly gifted priestess.
She masterfully holds the balance of creating safety and pushing boundaries so each woman can meet her shadow aspects and move through them to the other side of strength and power.Lisa’s grounded presence, bandwidth of permission and sensitivity to each woman’s process and timing holds the kind of alchemical container for real transformation to take place. She is bringing sexual energy and meditation together, and awakening the Goddess one woman at a time.
I got to release old wounds around being used (in a sexual sense) so I could live my greater longing to be used more fully– to be made love to by life.I felt beautiful and sacred from head to toe and from the inside out. I felt desirable, valuable and surrendered to life in a simple, yet crystal clear as I’ve never felt before.
I don’t understand how ritual works, but it does, especially when your guide is a masterful facilitator like Lisa. She could see me shifting before I even knew what was happening. Never in my life would I have thought I could do this. It was so liberating, empowering! It was pure God.
One thing I really appreciate about Lisa as a teacher is her sense of humor and her ability to mix in laughter with the darkest shadow work. Yes, there is sisterhood-safety, depth and tenderness in her Sexual Mystery School, but it is so healing to go into my most sensitive wounds and be in tears one moment and fits of laughter the next. I have so much more capacity now to trust and let go of control in love. I’m able to experience so much more pleasure, not just in sex, but in life.
Her ability to create experiences that help women to embody and have their own personal discovery of their deeper sexuality is what makes her Sexual Mystery School so phenomenal.
I was deeply nourished, set on fire and held in Lisa’s women’s sexual mystery series. These sister circles created a cauldron for much growth, connection and a depth of mutual support among women that was truly unique and powerful. I’m particularly inspired by Lisa’s as a facilitator. She is fiercely loving and coyote creative.
I was deeply nourished, set on fire and held in Lisa’s women’s sexual mystery series. These sister circles created a cauldron for much growth, connection and a depth of mutual support among women that was truly unique and powerful. I’m particularly inspired by Lisa’s as a facilitator. She is fiercely loving and coyote creative.
Lisa as a teacher is nothing short of awesome! She has done so much to help me reclaim ALL parts of my sexual self. I am more confident, playful and free in sex than ever before, and I feel more pleasure in my body on a regular basis. My whole feminine being has come alive.
Limited to 20 Women per Location
Sign up today! This program will sell out before March
Women's Sexual Mystery School
4 Weekend Immersions into the Sacred Feminine (once every 6 weeks)
Monthly Group Call
Access to Private Online Forum
Private Coaching Session
Santa Barbara
April 15-16, June 3-4, July 22-23, Septemeber 16-17
San Francisco
March 18-19, May 6-7, June 17-18, July 29-30
Boulder, CO
April 22-23, June 24-25, August 5-6, September 23-24